Preserved Bouquet
Preserved Bouquet
Each bouquet is 100% unique and made to order. No cookie-cutter arrangements. Personal touch and high quality guaranteed.
Most of the flowers and foliage used are sourced locally from Virginia growers and farmers throughout the year and then preserved at Rushing Blooms Studio.
I always do my best to accommodate all of your foliage and flower requests!
Locally grown flowers and foliage. Paper wrap.
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
For fresh: Please give the stems a fresh cut before putting them in water. Change water every 2 days to extend flower life.
For preserved: Please keep the bouquet tied as it is arranged in a specific way to get the desired look. Cut the stems if needed to fit into your vase.
Pick-up or Local Delivery Available
Please confirm day and time by calling 804.310.4186 or email